Saturday, May 30, 2009

Difference among CV, Resume and BioData

People use the words RESUME, C.V., and BIO-DATA interchangeably for thedocument highlighting skills, education, and experience that a candidatesubmits when applying for a job. On the surface level, all the threemean the same. However, there are intricate differences.
Resume Is a French word meaning "summary", and true to the wordmeaning, signifies a summary of one's employment, education, and otherskills, used in applying for a new position. A resume seldom exceeds oneside of an A4 sheet, and at the most two sides. They do not list out allthe education and qualifications, but only highlight specific skillscustomized to target the job profile in question.A resume is usually broken into bullets and written in the third personto appear objective and formal. A good resume starts with a briefSummary of Qualifications, followed by Areas of Strength or IndustryExpertise in keywords, followed by Professional Experience in reversechronological order. Focus is on the most recent experiences, and priorexperiences summarized. The content aims at providing the reader abalance of responsibilities and accomplishments for each position. AfterWork experience come Professional Affiliations, Computer Skills, andEducation

C.V Is a Latin word meaning "course of life". CurriculumVitae (C.V.) is therefore a regular or particular course of studypertaining to education and life. A C.V. is more detailed than a resume,usually 2 to 3 pages, but can run even longer as per the requirement. AC.V. generally lists out every skills, jobs, degrees, and professionalaffiliations the applicant has acquired, usually in chronological order.A C.V. displays general talent rather than specific skills for anyspecific positions.
Bio Data the short form for Biographical Data, is the old-fashionedterminology for Resume or C.V. The emphasis in a bio data is on personalparticulars like date of birth, religion, sex, race, nationality,residence, martial status, and the like. Next comes a chronologicallisting of education and experience. The things normally found in aresume, that is specific skills for the job in question comes last, andare seldom included. Bio-data also includes applications made inspecified formats as required by the company.
A resume is ideally suited when applying for middle and senior levelpositions, where experience and specific skills rather than education isimportant. A C.V., on the other hand is the preferred option for freshgraduates, people looking for a career change, and those applying foracademic positions. The term bio-data is mostly used in India whileapplying to government jobs, or when applying for research grants andother situations where one has to submit descriptive essays.
Resumes present a summary of highlights and allow the prospectiveemployer to scan through the document visually or electronically, to seeif your skills match their available positions. A good resume can dothat very effectively, while a C.V. cannot. A bio-data could stillperform this role, especially if the format happens to be the onerecommended by the employer.
Personal information such as age, sex, religion and others, and hobbiesare never mentioned in a resume. Many people include such particulars inthe C.V. However, this is neither required nor considered in the USmarket. A Bio-data, on the other hand always include such personalparticulars.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

EMAIL TRACKING - Useful Infromation

1) Any time you see an E-Mail that says forward this on to '10' (or however many) of your friends, sign this petition, or you'll get bad luck, good luck, you'll see something funny on your screen after you send it, or whatever, it almost always has an E-Mail tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and E-Mails of those folks you forward to.
The host sender is getting a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active' E-Mail addresses to use in SPAM E-Mails, or sell to other spammers. Even when you get emails that demand you send the email on if you're not ashamed of God/Jesus .....that's E-mail tracking and they're playing on our conscience.
These people don't care how they get your email addresses - just as long as they get them. Also, emails that talk about a missing child or a child with an incurable disease - "how would you feel if that was your child"....E- mail Tracking!!! Ignore them and don't participate!

2) Almost all E-Mails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards.
All it was, and all any of this type of E-Mail is, is a way to get names and 'cookie' tracking information for telemarketers and spammers - - to validate active E-Mail accounts for their own profitable purposes.
You can do your friends and family members a GREAT favor by sending this information to them; you will be providing a service to your friends, and will be rewarded by not getting thousands of spam E-Mails in the future! If you have been sending out (FORWARDING) the above kinds of E-Mail, now you know why you get so much SPAM! Do yourself a favor and STOP adding your name(s) to those types of listings regardless how inviting they might sound!...or make you feel guilty if you don't!' s all about getting email addresses - nothing more! You may think you are supporting a GREAT cause, but you are NOT! Instead, you will be getting tons of junk mail later and very possibly a virus attached! Plus, you are helping the spammers get rich! Let's not make it easy for them! Also: E-Mail petitions are NOT acceptable to White House, Congress or any other organization - i.e. social security, etc.
To be acceptable, petitions must have a signed signature and full address of the person signing the petition, so this is a waste of time and you're just helping the Email trackers.

NEW: offers now the possibility to create online polls!

Step 1: Create Surveys
Using just your browser you can easily create the most complex surveys. will help you design your surveys with our easy to use survey editor. We offer you 14 question types and the possibility to control the flow of your surveys.
Step 2: Collect Responses
Collect responses by sending email invitations or by placing a link to your survey on any website.
We offer a powerful mailing system that will help you send and track email invitations to your surveys. Alternativelly, you can just place a link anywhere on the web to your survey.
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Try this

It's time to phone a friend for a little math fun ...get your calculator....this works!
(Note: Ignore your area code and use only your seven digit phone number. Ex: if your phone # is 077******* then forget about the first 3 digits (077) & start the game with the rest. Enjoy!!!)

1) What are the first 3 digits of your phone number? (do NOT include the area code)
2) Multiply by 80
3) Add 1
4) Multiply by 250
5) Add in the last four digits of phone number
6) Add in the last four digits of phone number again
7) Subtract 250
8) Divide by 2.

Is the result your phone number?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Microsoft, Google in healthy competition

Microsoft and Google carry high-tech race into the health care industry
The tech rivals launched similar personal health record services in 2007
Both face issues -- privacy, bureaucracy, and technological intransigence
Experts say it will be natural for Facebook generation to go online for records

For More Details Please visit:-

What Will the World Do with More Search Engines?

Microsoft says it will introduce its new search engine within the next few days. The world's largest software company has called the project "Kumo." It may change that name before the public sees it. Yahoo! (YHOO) and Google (GOOG) seem like odd names for search engines, but those choices never seemed to affect their success. Another company recently launched a search product called Wolfram Alpha. At least in the case of this software, the inventor, Stephen Wolfram, put his name on it.
Aside from the major search engines, which include Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft, there are a number of minor companies in the competing for users' attention. Some claim they are not search engines, probably because they do not want to seem so small compared to Google. A very few web surfers use,, and Search company, GoshMe, claims that there are half a million search engine products. That figure seems high, but it is impossible to disprove.
Microsoft argues that if its search engine brings back more relevant results than Google or Yahoo! that people will eventually migrate to the "best" product. That may not be true. Google has become a habit for more than two-thirds of the people who use search engines in the United States. It is generally considered the best product, but in the final analysis that decision is subjective. Google is certainly the search program that gets the most positive votes if use means anything.
"Kumo" may be just as good as Google, although the largest search engine keeps improving and adding to its functions. It is far too early to tell whether Microsoft can pick up a single new user even if its product is 99% as good as Google in the eyes of most people who look for things online. A cult has developed around Google, the company and the product, just as it has around Apple (AAPL) and its Mac and iPhone products. Loyalty is not always the by-product of function, although function often creates loyalty.

Microsoft is running out of time in the search business. It only has 8% of the US market, and even that has been shrinking. The company would like to form a partnership with Yahoo! so that together they can challenge Google. If Microsoft gets a good response to "Kumo", it may walk away from any relationship with Yahoo! and the No.2 search engine company's shareholders will have lost a chance to make money the way that they did when their board rejected Microsoft's offer to buy Yahoo! more than a year ago.
The trouble with the search business is that its future may have almost nothing to do with whether search results get more accurate. Google's information is already more than adequate for the huge majority of people who are trying to find information online. At some point, and that point has probably been reached, people cannot tell the difference between flying in an airplane that is at 32,000 feet and one that is flying 1,000 feet higher. The change in perspective means nothing to them. All they know is that they are as high as they have to be to get where they are going.
Search is facing the same problem as the chip business. Intel (INTC) and AMD (AMD) make semiconductors that are so powerful that very few PC buyers can use all of their computational power. A lot of what the chips can do is wasted. Upgrading to a more powerful processor does not mean much to people who cannot tell the difference. That leaves a few corporations and people who play complex video games as the only discriminating buyers of PCs with ultra-powerful processors. Just three or four years ago, the difference between one generation of semiconductor and another meant something to the casual PC user. The chips are too good now. Almost no one cares that a new Intel product can make one billion computations a second. Almost no one even knows what that means.
Creating a new search engine is a tremendous risk at this stage because it is remarkably expensive to build and market one that has any chance in the mass market. To make the proposition harder, not only do people prefer Google to other products, but most people will not be able to tell whether a search product coming to market now is better or not. Good is so excellent that it is not good any more.
— Douglas A. McIntyre

Israel warns citizens to beware Facebook spy requests

Terrorist groups using social networking to recruit spies, Israel says
Subjects are offered money to pass along secrets, security agency says
Groups looking for personal information to contact Israeli citizens

For more details please visit:-

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Toshiba sues Imation, others over DVD patents

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Japan's Toshiba Corp (6502.T) said it sued Imation Corp (IMN.N) and several recordable DVD manufacturers and distributors, claiming they are infringing on its patents.
The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, says Imation and the other companies do not have licensing agreements with Toshiba for patents that it says are essential for meeting DVD format specifications.
Toshiba wants damages for past infringement and is asking the court to bar the sale, manufacture or import into the United States of recordable DVD media by the companies that it named in the lawsuit, it said in a statement.
The DVD media are sold under the Imation and Memorex brand names in the United States, Toshiba said.
The other defendants are Moser Baer India Ltd (MOSR.BO), CMC Magnetics Corp (2323.TW) and Ritek Corp (2349.TW) of Taiwan, and Glyphics Media, Hotan Corp, Khypermedia Corp and Advanced Media Inc in the United States, Toshiba said.
(Reporting by Robert MacMillan, Editing by Ian Geoghegan)

Google eases trademark restrictions on some U.S. ads

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc is lifting restrictions on the use of trademarked terms in its U.S. online advertising system, a move that could increase friction between the Internet giant and brand owners.
The new policy will allow businesses to place trademarked terms directly in the copy of text advertisements that run in the U.S. starting next month, the company announced in a blog post on Thursday.
The move, which Google said will improve the quality of its advertisements, comes as advertisers have begun bidding less money for the individual search terms that their ads appear alongside and as Google's revenue growth slows in the dismal economic climate.
Until now, Google has forbidden companies from placing trademarked terms in their advertising copy unless they owned the trademark or had explicit permission from the trademark owners.
That policy was the equivalent of a supermarket promotion in a Sunday newspaper that only listed generic products like "discount cola" instead of the actual products for sale, Google said in its blog post on Thursday.
The new policy will allow resellers and informational Web sites to use trademarked terms in their copy in certain situations without seeking permission from the trademark owners.
The move represents the second recent loosening of Google's policies on trademark use. Earlier this month, Google said it would allow companies in 190 countries outside the US to bid on trademarked keywords that act as the triggers for their own advertisements.
Google is also facing new legal challenges from trademark owners.
On Monday, Firepond, a Texas software company, filed a trademark infringement suit against Google seeking class action status for all Texas trademark owners.
Brand owners have historically had serious concerns about Google's policy with regards to trademarks, said Eric Goldman, Associate Professor of Law at Santa Clara University School of Law.
Google's latest policy change is "kind of like pouring gasoline on the fire," he said.
The change may help consumers better understand sponsored search results, by allowing the advertiser to reference trademarks in their marketing pitches, Goldman said. But he predicted that the change could spark more legal challenges.
Google Senior Trademark Counsel Terri Chen acknowledged some people might be unhappy with the change, but she said she believed the ads would be well-received overall.
Chen said the policy was well-established legal principle in the US. Google is changing the policy now, she said, because it was more comfortable it had a process in place to monitor situations that don't comply with the new policy.
(Reporting by Alexei Oreskovic; Editing by Anshuman Daga)

Hackers launch phishing attack on Facebook users

By Jim Finkle
BOSTON (Reuters) - Hackers launched an attack on Facebook's 200 million users on Thursday, successfully gathering passwords from some of them in the latest campaign to prey on members of the popular social networking site.
Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt said on Thursday that the site was in the process of cleaning up damage from the attack.
He said that Facebook was blocking compromised accounts.
Schnitt declined to say how many accounts had been compromised.
The hackers got passwords through what is known as a phishing attack, breaking into accounts of some Facebook members, then sending e-mails to friends and urging them to click on links to fake websites.
Those sites were designed to look like the Facebook home page. The victims were directed to log back in to the site, but actually logged into the one controlled by the hackers, unwittingly giving away their passwords.
The purpose of such attacks is generally identify theft and to spread spam.
The fake domains include, and Facebook has deleted all references to those domains.
Schnitt said that Facebook's security team believes the hackers intended to collect a large number of credentials, then use those accounts at a later time to send spam hawking fake pharmaceuticals and other goods to Facebook members.
The site fought off a similar attack two weeks ago, he said.
Privately held Facebook and rival social network MySpace, which is owned by News Corp, require senders of messages within the network to be members and hide user data from people who do not have accounts. Because of that, users tend to be far less suspicious of messages they receive.
Hackers used a phishing attack last year to spread a malicious virus known as Koobface (a reference to Facebook). It was downloaded onto Facebook members' PCs when they clicked on a link sent to them in an email that looked like it had been sent by a friend on Facebook.
(Reporting by Jim Finkle; Editing by Toni Reinhold)